Letter to Your Future Self

Ask yourself what’s important. Share what’s going on in your life right now. Imagine the future you want to live in.

Talk to yourself across the years: send a letter to your future self.
Letters received:
Letters sent:
About The Project

Our service allows you to write a letter to yourself in the future, specify an email address and select the date of receipt. You will receive a letter from the past when you have already forgotten about it.

Make the letter public if you want to share your thoughts with the world, tell us what our "day after tomorrow" will be like: we can use public letters in social networks, discussions, presentations.
Questions to yourself
If you could say one thing to yourself today, what could it be?
What question do you want to ask yourself in the future?
If you could ask for the fulfillment of one wish, what would it be?
What important thoughts do you want to convey to yourself in the future?
If you could send a message to the whole world, what would you say in 30 seconds?
What will you regret that you didn't do in your life?
What life lessons would you like to teach yourself?
If you could live the same day over and over again, what would you prefer to do on that day?
What do you dream about?
What should you definitely have time to do while you’re alive?
What matters to you most? Do you make enough time for it?
What do you like doing over and over again? What was the last thing you did when you lost track of time?
Would you like to get rid of any bad habits?
Write a letter
Write a letter
Why write to the future?
Letters to the future encourage you to ask difficult questions and find simple answers. Letters to the future to yourself are a reflection and a session of psychotherapy, it is an opportunity to dream. Writing letters itself is a great way to learn how to formulate your thoughts and develop the skill of creative writing.
Participants answer questions to themselves in letters. For example, such. What inspires? What seems to be the most important thing in life? What can’t they forgive themselves? What are they proud of? What do they regret? What do they believe in? Do they know where to look for happiness? What rules of life are they guided by? Are they afraid of the future? What do they want to change in themselves? What do they want to learn? What do they dream about? What is the main challenge in life they feel?
Such letters are often written at school, on birthdays, New Year or on the Day of Dreams. Sometimes such letters are laid in the foundation of monuments, and then opened fifty years later or on a significant date. They are also called "time capsules".
Those who already got their letters
Olga Efimkina
Writing to yourself is a way to reflect, to think about the present, to set directions for self-development. And after a certain period of time, it is an opportunity to be amazed by your past self. Thousands of thoughts flash through our minds every day. But still, not all of us know how to talk to ourselves, listen
Sergey Ziuzin
Writing to your future self is kind of like today’s version of you kicking the future you, the person you don’t know yet, but who you will become quite (or not quite) soon.
After all, the messages and the information we launch into the future are not only unique, but can in many ways predetermine our
Antonina Snytkina
A letter to your future self. I came across this phrase and figure it would be interesting to do. So, I wrote it. Yes, it takes certain courage to openly declare your desires and dreams. And you begin to wonder, what if what you’ve written won’t come true, or you won’t have achieved you goals in time. But I am brave. I set my
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This is a non-profit service. If you like it, support its development with your donation.